Monday, August 23, 2010

13 Ramadhan

after a tiring day @ lab. yeap, have not finished yet. sigh! went to PVJ with hawa.

it was still early. tak pukul 4petang dah kena halau pula. maka, merayau di dalam PVJ. ZARA dah buka. let's browsing. :)

hawa and her bb

hungry me

we were at the taste: indonesian culinary heritage

she was having kakap kuah asam and nasi putih with ice lemon tea

i had nasi seafood platters


hot lemon tea

we shared indo sushi
i ate most of it

you think that's enough for me?



went to dot bravo
yeap, it is situated right under the escalator

paper bread aka roti tisu
paired with flavoured frozen yogurt

roti tisu looks the same. but the taste, mamak kat malaysia lagi terbaiklahhh! the pairing taste magnificent. it covered the salty taste on the inside of the paper bread. i just love frozen yogurt.

we went to tutti frutti. hawa wanted to get frozen yogurt. not for me. im fulled. :)

nota kaki: california gurls

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