its management & entrepreneurship. at 7am WIB. yes. 7am. too early, isn't it? but the good thing about early paper is that i can sleep all day long after it is answered. though, i am most certainly not sure what i have answered.
its announced that controlling, leading, entrepreneurship and slides from guest lecturer will be in the exam. unfortunately, there was no no sign of controlling and leading. great. goreng~
ku membaca entrepreneurship & nota daripada guest lecturer. tapi sekali lalu sahaja kot. kebarangkalian merapu, merepek sangatlah tinggi. adoilah. tak fokus sangat untuk menjawab peperiksaan. belajar tertidur. hows that?

not a good day after all. whatever. what's done is done. looking forward for next paper. looking forward sounds so serious. ;p yet, i am not ready. :D
lets sleep it off.
nota kaki: say its over
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